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Our Credentials

we have a range of experience across a number of organisations. Below are some examples in different fields.

“If you  are not clear where you are going, any road will get you there”

Management Consulting                                                                                                                        Performance Training

CDFU is a Ugandan-based Non Government Organization (NGO) that provides a range of specialized and professional communication services including: support, advice, direction, training, and management for the improvement of social services and conditions in Uganda and the East African region.

The challenge: With funding  from the USAID running out, CDFU required a five year strategic plan not only  to solicit funds from potential donors but also  to improve the hotline and make it self sustaining within the next five years.

The solution: We conducted an in-depth review of  all the operational areas of the hotline, this was followed by one on one interviews with hotline stakeholders and we  also  organized for a 2 day intense yet interactive event to collate views and develop a strategic plan in partnership. This was closed off by a 1 day showcase event to present the strategy to all stakeholders.

The result: A technical advisory group was set up, the stakeholders  had a buy in of the hotline strategy and the final report was approved by the CDFU management team

House of Dawda: The Senior team was experiencing frustration with delays from slow decision making, problems with leadership and overall producti

Interventions/module used: How to be a good leader?, How to manage, inspire and delegate? Belbin self assessement tool, Leadership of self

Soultion: we conducted a powerful 3 days training module with the senior staffa and focused on mind set and behaviour intervention.

NuPITANew Partners Initiative Technical Assistance Project is an organisation that serves 15 USAID funded partners with technical and organisational capacity

The challenge: There was a desire by NuPITA leadership to assess partner perceptions and benchmark customer service levels against expectations and demands. They required an independent and professional view of their operations with concrete recommendations around how they might be able to improve. The outputs of the survey were to form part an input into the annual work planning rounds

The solution: BBB conducted a customer survey to assess the performance of NuPITA, providing recommendations to improve their service levels. The results of the survey were to form an input into annual work planning rounds. The outputs were presented in an event, so that the team aligns around action plans

The result: The NuPITA team were able to take on the recommendations and able to see how practically they can support their partners more effectively so that they can achieve their objectives.

NuPITANew Partners Initiative Technical Assistance Project is an organisation that serves 15 USAID funded partners with technical and organisational capacity

The challenge: There was a desire by NuPITA leadership to assess partner perceptions and benchmark customer service levels against expectations and demands. They required an independent and professional view of their operations with concrete recommendations around how they might be able to improve. The outputs of the survey were to form part an input into the annual work planning rounds

The solution: BBB conducted a customer survey to assess the performance of NuPITA, providing recommendations to improve their service levels. The results of the survey were to form an input into annual work planning rounds. The outputs were presented in an event, so that the team aligns around action plans

The result: The NuPITA team were able to take on the recommendations and able to see how practically they can support their partners more effectively so that they can achieve their objectives.

Corporate Events                                                                                                                                                                 

Mobile Monday (MoMo Kla: Is a community of mobile industry developers and influential people in telecoms. Together they foster coorperation and business development through networking events to share ideas, best practices and trends from global markets.

The Challenge: MoMo Kla was launching a new chapter in Kampala and the CEO was kenn that the first event was a succuss. He wanted it to be interactive and informative and there was a need to involve a range of stake holders and industry experts. The event was an opportunity for alarge telecom companies, NGO's and the government to network and learn each other at all levels.

The Solution: BBB organised all elements of the launch at Speke Resort - Munyonyo. From the Publicity, PR and press briefing, to the invitation and management of VIPs, to the MC'ing, event flow, venue management and ushering. The event was designed in an interactive way with stakeholders sharing their challenges and succusses.
The Result: The event was very successful. Over 150 participants attended and the MoMo Kla chapter in Kampala was launched with a bang. It received widespread coverage and publicity. Building on its initial sucuss, MoMo Kla has grown to become a strong and regular monthly meeting which discuss various mobile related issues in Uganda.

Grameen Foundation: The Grameen Foundation was awarded a a substantial grant from the Bill and Melind Gates Foundation to expand and its ability to develop innovative technology solutions to empower to poorest  of the poor.

The challenge : With a new incoming country manager, and a fresh start up culture in the team, there was a need to integrate the various streams of activity into one synthesised picture. The team needed to build cohesiveness, develop a strategic context to their work and deliver a vision and solution that tied in closely to an understood M&E framework.

The solution: We designed and delivered an interactive and intense strategic off site event which galvanised the team to rally behind a consolidated 5 year strategy. We invested in the development of level 1 balanced score card measures, and overall strategic milestones. We clarified the vision and the dependencies to success.

The result: The final output included personalised commitments that aligned to the strategy, an integrated sun-ray diagram which visually represents the strategic direction of the team, a set of understood and jointly developed performance measures, by which the team can gauge it’s own performance and an aligned set of immediate priorities to focus on.

Knight Frank  is the leading property management company in Uganda. They provide flexible and responsive estate agency, property valuations and solutions.

The challenge: The leadership wanted to create an environment whereby all of the Ugandan team thought “Knight Frank”, where a true sense of ownership of the company brand and vision existed. There was a desire to positively influence the values, overall attitudes and personal standards of the staff and a need to develop customer service, communication skills as well as a culture of excellence

The solution: BBB developed a 2 phased training program that empowered participants to delve into their belief systems and expand their ability to deliver against the team objectives. Personal visioning, group exercises and role plays were used to deliver a powerful and emotionally charged set of experiences for the team.

The result: Participants felt energetic, enthusiastic about what they were going to create in their company and saw a clear future personally and professionally. There was an improvement in the level of communication and listening between staff such that there was an appreciation of each others strengths and personal styles

RATN is an international NGO working in eleven countries across Eastern and Southern Africa. They facilitate the strengthening of capacity and skills for effective HIV response in the region and partner with a range of organisations focussing on HIV prevention.

The challenge: The CEO had a vision of bringing together the leaders in the industry for a 3 day summit. This was intended to be a platform for co-ordination across the region. It was to be an opportunity for stakeholders to take stock and tease out what has been done well, and what can be done better in the HIV response. The development Millennium Goals (MDGs) were pressing and it was time to re-think, gather momentum and re package HIV capacity building in ways that would  ensure that targets set by 2015 were met.

The solution:BBB was accountable for the overall project management of efforts across the teams, with all aspects of the logistics falling under our brief. This included ensuring that stakeholders were prepositioned, press and briefing material developed and that the overall event checklists were being implemented

The result:The summit was attended by over 400 delegates from across the world. Over 20 countries were represented, and over 100 papers presented. The first of its kind in the region, the event received positive feedback from the range of stakeholders involved

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Our clients include:

AFP Uganda and AFP Tanzania

Health Communications Partnership

Knight Frank

Grameen Foundation 

Britain - splash

                               USAID - Lead


International Medical Group

Uganda Health Marketing Group

John Hopkins BloomBerg School of PublicHealth

                                                                    USAID- NuPITA

Open Source Journalism

Linux Uganda Group

Health Initiative for the Private Sector


Alliance Uganda

...and more


Whichever solution we are working on, we promise exceptional quality and value to our clients.

Interested in working with us: click  here to email us

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